Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Important Aspects of DCC Organic Chemistry

Important Aspects of DCC Organic ChemistryFor those of you who are not familiar with DCC Organic Chemistry, it is the process of generating electricity by using biomass. What is biomass? It is biomass from a tree, a plant, or any animal that has been used as food in the past and does not have the ability to be broken down in a laboratory. The enzymes and the other parts of the organism are not attached to each other but it is considered as an effective fuel.Algae are the main form of energy crops for which biomass is used. They are cultivated in the oceans and it is usually the discarded organic waste that is then used for making fuel. There are few options for this kind of fuel.DCC is the natural products of Biomass and the right amount of these two can help reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. On the other hand, the number of day has almost doubled during the past few years and will be another problem for us to tackle.One of the reasons for increase in the demand for biomass is d ue to a decrease in the availability of natural resources in agriculture. The current global economic situation is the most prominent factor responsible for this development. If we are facing this dilemma, then why do we want to produce dcc? Well, the answer is simple.Many people have started to realize the importance of DCC. A large number of universities and other colleges have started teaching about the use of DCC. Many students also participate in these programs and they need the resources that DCC provides. In order to fulfill the demands of the students and to make sure that the basic education is maintained, DCC Organic Chemistry has become mandatory.We have to understand that it is essential for the people to have the basic knowledge about the technology of DCC Organic Chemistry.It has become the latest topic of discussion among the people and the time has come to make this knowledge public. Many people have started to promote DCC Organic Chemistry and the challenge is to en courage the learners.The above mentioned explanation will surely help you to understand the basics of DCC Organic Chemistry. The resources can be accessed at any time via the internet or you can download them from any university library.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Video 4 Effective Vocal Warm-Ups to Try When Youre Sick

Video 4 Effective Vocal Warm-Ups to Try When Youre Sick Madalyn Danielson Feeling a cold coming on, or dealing with allergies? Below, Brooklyn, NY teacher Liz T. shares a few singing warm-up exercises to add to your practice session! No one likes to sing when they’re sick, but as we all know sometimes “the show must go on!” It is recommended that you rest, take care of your voice, or even go on vocal rest if you have lost your voice completely. However, if you are dealing with seasonal allergies or a common cold, I have good news! It is still healthy to sing over these inconveniences, and I am here to show you how with these singing warm-up exercises! With these exercises in mind, it’s important when you’re sick to warm up for no more than 15 minutes at a time. You don’t want to overuse your voice. Also, remember to hydrate yourself with water, tea, and apple cider vinegar, massage your glands, and also to try a hot shower to loosen up that mucus. Doing these singing warm-up exercises will surely help you sing over your cold or allergies! Also, dont be afraid to ask your voice teacher for additional suggestions thats what your teacher is there for! Liz T. teaches singing, acting, and music lessons in Brooklyn, NY, as well as online.  She is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music with a B.M in Vocal performance and currently performs/teaches all styles of music including Musical Theater, Classical, Jazz, Rock, Pop, RB, and Country. Learn more about Liz here! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher Photo by  aaron gilson

Preaching To The Choir - Definition and Study Exercises

Preaching To The Choir - Definition and Study Exercises Preaching to the choir means you are presenting a side of a discussion or argument to someone who already agrees with it. In other words, you are wasting your time. If a pastor preaches to a choir literally, theyre preaching to people who are obviously already converted. Another way of saying preaching to the choir, is preaching to the converted.The origin of the expression is difficult to locate but it is thought to have been introduced to the English language in the United States.That being said, one of the most famous early uses of the idea was in the 1867 writings of the English philosopher John Stuart Mill when he said:Dr. MCosh is preaching not only to a person already converted, but to an actual missionary of the same doctrine.Preaching to the Choir Exercises:1. Can you think of a situation where you were preaching to the choir?2. Has someone recently tried to convince you of something when you already agreed with him or her?3. Try to write 3 examples of dialogue in which you use preaching to the choir.4. Here is a song that uses this idiomatic expression. Do you understand why?Did you find this blog interesting? Please share it on Facebook and Twitter.Keep learning by visiting our articles about English idioms and English phrasal verbs. Danilo Tostes The movie is broken LOIEnglish YepIt is broken. Ill try to replace it with another example.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Asking and Giving Permission in English - Intermediate Level English

Asking and Giving Permission in English - Intermediate Level English How do we ask permission to do something? What are the ways in which these requests can be  given (granted)  or refused (denied)?There are many ways to achieve this and here are some of the words, expressions and idioms  for asking and giving permission in English.The request can be formal and the response formal too. Equally the  request can be more informal with a corresponding informal response.We are always reminded that a polite request is more likely to be met with a positive outcome  (result)  but not always. Asking and Giving Permission in English Polite Formal Requests Do you mind if….Would you mind if….May I…Could I possibly…Is it possible ….Is it possible for me to…. Polite Formal Responses No,  not at allYes you mayYes, of courseOf course, be my guest…Yes,  it’s my pleasureCertainly be my guest…. Examples of Asking and Giving Permission in English (formal) Do you mind if I take off my coat it is very warm here? No, not at all,   be my guest.Be careful here. In the reply the first word is NO but this is not a  refusal.  NO is used here because we asked do you mind so we are actually saying No, I do not mind so it is a positive response. Could I possibly close the window it is a little cold here? Yes of course.or Please help yourself. May I put my own furniture into the apartment? Yes, you may indeed. Just let me know what you  would like to remove. Enjoyed this infographic? Here’s what you can do next: Polite Formal RefusalsI am sorry that will not be possibleI am afraid that is out of the questionI would rather that you didn’tI am afraid notExamples of Polite Refusals in English (formal) May I go to my friends party on Saturday and stay overnight?  I am afraid that is out of the question. We are going to see your Grandmother on Saturday and you haven’t seen her for months. Would you mind if I took next Friday off work as I am moving apartment over the weekend and I  need to get ready? I am afraid that will not be possible. It is the end of the month and we simply have to get those accounts closed. May I open the window a little? I would rather that you didn’t. I have just recovered from the flu and  I do not wish to get ill again. Informal Requests and whether they are granted or refused Can I have the last piece of cake?Have you €10 you could lend me?Yeah sure..   (granted)Go ahead..   (granted)Not a problem  -(granted)Not a chance   (refused)Go away, no..  (refused, very rude) Some examples of Asking and Giving Permission (Informal) Can I skip class later I need to go to the dentist? Yeah sure, just make sure you tell the class teacher. Can I have the last piece of cake? Go ahead, nobody else seems to want it. Have you €10 you can lend me until I get to the bank? Yes, not a problem.Take your time pay me back next week. Can I have an advance (early payment) of my pocket money? Go away, no, you are always asking… Idioms connected with Asking and Giving Permission in English The idea got the thumbs up/thumbs down. The idea was accepted/rejectedIt was shot down in flames. It was rejectedThey pooh poohed it. Something was turned down, rejected (informal)I got the green light. Green for go, something was approved or accepted.Examples:I presented my idea to the board suggesting changes to our business practices. They gave it the thumbs up or they gave it the thumbs down.I thought my marketing plan was a stroke of genius (really goo) but the management board did not like it and the shot it down in flame.The idea was pooh poohed immediately without much consideration. (This is more slang than informal.)My project was approved by everyone. I got the green light and it starts next week. Iam really excited.

7 ways to cope with exam stress

7 ways to cope with exam stress No matter how much revision you have done and how many past papers you have worked through, when it comes to sitting an exam, it's easy to let nerves get the better of you. While a little stress around exam time can be a good thing, too much can derail all your hard work. Here are 7 ways to help you deal with exam stress. 1. Understand how stress works It's important to understand how stress works so you can combat it effectively. When you first become stressed about exams, your brain stimulates you to focus on your work. However, when this stress is prolonged, your body stays permanently on high alert. Focus then turns into worry and anxiety, and you will be unable to focus. To bring your stress levels down try mindfulness. This is a technique, which helps you to focus on being fully present in the moment. Learning to bring your attention to the present then reduces your stress levels and enables you to focus. To learn about mindfulness, try the Headspace app. 2. Keep your exams in perspective When you stress about the unknown, it's easy to imagine the worst possible outcome. The problem with this kind of thinking is it makes your mind spiral downwards and stops you looking at the problem logically. While it's reasonable to worry about failing an exam, it's not helpful to imagine that everything in your life rests on your exam results. Firstly if you have done the work you will be fine, secondly if the worst does happen there are always other options. Help yourself by having a more balanced view. 3. Work on your feelings of panic Feeling a sense of panic about impending exams is normal to some degree, however like stress, it can easily spiral out of control. If you feel panic before, during or after an exam, stop and take some deep breaths. Breathing slowly will help refocus your mind and allow you to deal with your nerves. If a question during the exam makes you panic, again stop, breathe and then break the questions down into manageable chunks and then try it. 4. Reframe your thoughts When you are stressed it is easy to forget all the revision time you have put in and how far you have come. What you need to do to combat this is to believe in yourself and all the hard work you have put in. Every time a negative thought pops up in your head, tell yourself that you are fine and that you have this covered. It doesn't mean looking at the world through rose-tinted glasses but it does mean consciously focusing on a balanced view. If your negative thoughts become irrational and overwhelming to the point that you can't study, speak to your teachers for help. They can offer you more one-to-one support to get you through the exam period. 5. Practice self-care As in, look after your mental and physical health during the exam period. Pulling all-nighters, eating junk and drinking too much caffeine will cause your anxiety levels to rise, and exam nerves to get worse. Sleep for at least 7 - 8 hours and eat well. If you feel your stress is out of proportion talk to someone about your worries. Tackling all of these elements will make you feel more confident as you approach your exams. 6. Know what you need to do Aside from doing past papers in timed conditions, make sure you fully understand what examiners want from you and also how questions are marked. This is where a tutor or teacher can also help. Knowing this key information will alleviate a lot of your stress about your exam performance. Being organised in a practical way will also calm you down. From knowing when your exams are, to knowing what equipment you need for each exam is key to keeping you calm on the day. 7. Practice positive exam habits Unrealistic goals, letting friends work you into a post-exam frenzy or over analysing your answers after you have sat the exam are all negative exam habits. Once you have sat an exam, move on, as you can't change anything so it pays to focus on what lies ahead. Remember ruminating will get you nowhere, so put your focus on the future to lower your stress and anxiety. For help and advice about any subject and at any level we have tutors that can help.

Know Your Candidates The 2016 Presidential Election

Know Your Candidates The 2016 Presidential Election Photo Via: Election coverage has been everywhere for months now you can’t turn on the TV, check your email or log into Facebook without Trump and Hillary supporters and haters flooding it with news of the election. But the percentage of those supporters that are actually well-versed on the issues is miniscule. In fact, so very few know what the candidates stances are on the big picture issues, though they may be very knowledgeable about the rumors and cons of each candidate. While you’re going to like who you like, and dislike who you dislike, it’s important that you at least make these decisions as an informed, U.S. citizen. So before we begin hitting the polls for the presidential election, here are the candidates stances on the big ticket issues so you can make informed arguments in the future. You’re welcome! 1.  Economy: The Issue: Back in 2009, the U.S. economy was in one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. Since Obama took office, this hasn’t changed much, though he has passed a stimulus package meant to change it. Everyone has a different stance on whether or not this bill helped the economy. Either way, if there is change, it’s happening so slowly it almost doesn’t matter. Donald Trump: His economic plan has to do with some trade deals that he believes will “level” the playing field. Perhaps the one issue Trump is most qualified on, he vows to cut taxes without changing the major programs from which they come (Medicare and Social Security). He also plans to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. and away from China. With these policies, he believes he can get rid of the U.S. debt in two terms. Yes, he is already considering a second term. Hillary Clinton: Clinton’s plan also involves some tax cuts, though she plans to specifically slash the taxes of the middle class. She also hopes to create more U.S. jobs by spending some more on clean energy and infrastructure. She also wants to make it far more difficult for corporations to skip out on their taxes. So her plan in a nutshell: spend more to save more. 2.  Education: The Issue: The problem is twofold: one, early education isn’t where it should be and two, college graduates continually owe way more money than they are taking in. In terms of early education, high school graduation rates are very low in minority and low-income areas, which is a major problem. And in the meantime, those that are able to continue on through college walk out with thousands in debt due to student loans. Donald Trump: Basically says that the current early education policies in effect, including Common Core and No Child Left Behind, just aren’t cutting it. He thinks that education reform should be completed at the local level, rather than allowing schools to teach to test. He also believes that the U.S. shouldn’t be making money off of student loans. Hillary Clinton:  She doesn’t have an issue with the plans currently in place regarding early education. Sure, it’s not working at the moment, but this is a step in the right direction and we should continue through this course of action. She also takes on Bernie Sanders’ stance in regards to loans, as her stance is that college should be made more affordable to help slash these debt rates for college students. 3.  Abortion: The Issue: The issue is very simple, though very, very controversial. On one side, you have pro-life supporters that believe abortion in any and all capacities should be illegal, and on the other side, you have pro-choice supporters that believe abortion is a case by case issue and the decision should be left up to the woman in question. Donald Trump: He claims to be a pro-life advocate, but caveats this with some exceptions. So essentially, females shouldn’t have the right to make their own decision unless there are underlying circumstances that he deems “alright.” Hillary Clinton: She claims to be a pro-choice advocate in that women considering abortion have the right to do so. She leaves the decision up to the female in question and her doctor. The diplomatic approach. 4.  Gun Control: The Issue: Another very heated debate in the U.S. right now, the gun control issue is also very binary. You’re either for guns, or against them. The problem is they are extremely easy to get, for everyone, and that to deny citizens guns is infringing upon their rights defined by the Declaration of Independence. But with the recent mass shootings etc., calls for change have been deafening. Donald Trump: Guns are not the problem people are. The issue at hand is the mental instability of the culprits behind such attacks, not the fact that guns are available. Guns are a right. Hillary Clinton: We need regulations. It’s far too easy for people that shouldn’t have guns to get them. We need to get rid of these loopholes and make sure that universal background checks are involved. Guns are a privilege, not a right. So if you’re a domestic abuser or a criminal, sorry, you lost that privilege. 5.  Foreign Policy: The Issue: Essentially, foreign policy at the moment entails the takedown of ISIS, a brutal terror group that’s behind numerous terror attacks in the past few months. And the problem is only getting worse. While Obama has been attempting to make some changes in terms of our involvement in the Middle East and these giant threats, no one is pleased with where we’ve ended up. Donald Trump: Shut-down: it’s time to close off the borders to all countries that impose a terror threat of any kind to the U.S. Lock ‘em out! No refugees and cut down the group at its source by blocking their internet access to halt their recruitment efforts. He also wants to pressure other countries into joining the fight by supplying air support against the terror group. Hillary Clinton: Obama has the right idea basically, continue doing what he’s been doing. Also, let refugees in that need it. This is America, and we are supportive of everyone when they need it. 6.  Climate Change: The Issue: Essentially, this is a global warming problem. There’s extreme weather everywhere (including the recent droughts in Syria) and it’s only going to get worse from here, according to scientists. Obama’s platform included change, though this wasn’t implemented until last year with a new deal that’s going to give monetary rewards to developing countries for decreasing their emissions. It’s a start. Donald Trump: This isn’t actually a problem. Sure, it might exist, but it’s not making a difference. Of course, he’s open to being proven wrong. Hillary Clinton: Yes, it is a problem, and we’re going to be the solution. She wants the U.S. to become the example for everyone else. Time to be a role model, people. 7.  Immigration: The Issue: It’s pretty self-explanatory, but basically, we have a huge problem with immigrants entering (illegally) and staying (illegally) in the country with little to no repercussions. So it’s a problem, and needs to be stopped, but that’s also easier said than done. Donald Trump: If you don’t know his stance by now, you live under a rock. Does the word, “wall,” ring any bells? No more immigrants from Mexico, no more immigrants from terrorists, more jobs for American people. In an ideal world. Hillary Clinton: We’re not banning people we’re just asking them to immigrate legally. She wants to change the path to citizenship, something that’s perhaps been a long time coming. It’s without a doubt the less drastic of the plans, but will it make any difference? That’s the question. 8.  Civil Rights: The Issue: Right now, police and black citizens are in the midst of a violent duel in which no one can win. Racism still exists in the U.S., and the time for change was yesterday. Sure, we just had a black president for the first time in American history, but the race card is still being played left and right, and it’s about time we take it out of the deck before anyone else gets hurt. Donald Trump: He’s going to make America safe again. We need to stand behind police that protect this country while also acknowledging that citizens have to feel safe, regardless of their race. #AllLivesMatter Hillary Clinton: Racism is real and alive and something needs to be done, now. Time to change laws and systems that are taking opportunities away from minorities and put everyone on a level playing field. The past is in the past, time to move forward. So now that you know the main issues and Trump and Clinton’s stances on said issues, go out there and argue to your heart’s content. And don’t forget to vote during this election! Every vote counts!

37 Amazing Polyglots Who Are Happy to Show You How They Do It

37 Amazing Polyglots Who Are Happy to Show You How They Do It Whats your number?By number, of course, Im referring to the number of languages you speak.Whether youre an aspiring polyglot or can already speak multiple languages, you probably have some serious language learning goals.You probably also know that those goals cant be reached overnight.Polyglots, people who are wise in the ways of foreign tongues, are uniquely dedicated people.Like I said, youve got a serious language goal standing before you here. That means youll be needing some serious assistance. Rather than trying to do everything in isolation, turn to expert advice from the best and the brightest polyglots out there!You may already have started acquiring essential listening skills and learning shortcuts to help you absorb languages faster than ever, but if you search your feelings you’ll realize you haven’t yet reached your destination. Theres a lot left to learn.Weve taken it upon ourselves to scour the far reaches of the internet to find the best blogs written by polyglot s. They are chock-full of compelling material, lessons learned firsthand and specialized learning tricks. By reading about the experiences of these intelligent, clever folks, youll be sure to avoid major mistakes and pitfalls while delivering a massive boost to your overall language learning skills. 37 Inspiring Polyglots Every Language Learner Should Be FollowingLanguage MasteryWhoever says language learning is tedious has obviously never looked at Language Mastery. This outstanding blog by John Fotheringham (who speaks Chinese and Japanese) has wrapped up a lot of knowledge into a neat series of blogs that help the language learner with advice, guidance, tips and strategies. They resonate with his belief that languages cannot actually be taught and that fluency is dependent on listening, speaking, reading and writing a language. The articles are thoughtful and comprehensive, packed with lots of useful information. Previous topics have included a look at the habits of highly succ essful language learners, reviews of language products and the obstacles that prevent people from becoming fluent. Some of the posts include John’s podcast interviews with other language bloggers, teachers, polyglots and linguists. They are unmissable treats!We are all hard-wired to pick up the languages around us (even as adults) if you get enough input and output. The key to staying the course is actually enjoying the process by picking materials,  topics, and activities that are inherently enjoyable. John FotheringhamThe Mezzofanti GuildLooking for a smart and entertaining way to learn a new language? Well, park your brain by the Mezzofanti Guild. Applied Linguistics graduate Donovan Nagel speaks several languages including Korean, Irish Gaeilge, Egyptian and Classical Arabic. His personal goals are to learn one language each year and to help other language learners. He does so with plenty of informative articles such as How to Improve Language Fluency When You’re at a High L evel and 11 Unmistakable Characteristics of a Damn Good Language Learner.The website has a clean and neatly-ordered layout with good use of white space, images, font and headlines. This helps to make it an easy read. The blogs intriguing name comes from Giuseppe Gasparo Mezzofanti (1774-1849), an Italian polyglot and priest who spoke more than 35 languages.16kinds.comWhether youre learning, teaching or actively using a foreign language, Wiktor Kostrzewskis website is well worth bookmarking. This superlative blog is packed to the rafters with language learning solutions and inspiring and informative articles. Among the enticing standout features is a weekly collection of links to useful resources, glossaries, reading lists and the Guerrilla Language Learning online course. This contains lectures, live sessions and motivational tips designed to enhance the language learning experience. More than 2,000 students are currently enrolled! If youre wondering about the name 16 kinds, it come s from the myth that Eskimos have 16 words for snow.Fluent in 3 MonthsLanguage guru Benny Lewis has a deep canyon of knowledge that thousands of students have enjoyed exploring. The well-known Irish polyglot has filled his extremely popular Fluent in 3 Months website with a plethora of language hacks designed to accelerate your learning of any language. There are outstanding lessons and articles about how to learn better and an active forum with lots of questions and answers. In addition to posts that are applicable to all language learners, there are some language specific articles such as How to Read the Russian Cyrillic Alphabet in Just a Few Hours and Is Japanese Hard? Why Japanese is Easier Than You Think! For those who are thinking about packing their bags and travelling, there are some useful travel ideas too.The Polyglot DreamThe Polyglot Dream is a terrific resource by native Italian Luca Lampariello who is fluent in ten languages. He is on a mission to show people how to l earn languages, based on his experience of learning entirely in his home country, not through travel to foreign destinations. His enjoyable and highly instructive posts are written in several languages including English, Russian and Italian. Rich with valuable information, they cover a multitude of topics such as language learning techniques and language learning philosophy. Here you will come across such topics as studying versus learning, choosing an accent and how to develop advanced fluency. There is also a podcast series in Spanish that is supported by a transcript in English.Multilingual LivingMultilingual Living is a wonderful idea for a blog. The website is aimed squarely at parents who are raising bilingual or multilingual children and its posts offer advice, tips, motivation and inspiration. The articles are well written, straightforward and cover a lot of ground. Previous topics that the blog has touched upon include “The Benefits of Multilingualism, Ten Reasons Why You Should Marry a Foreigner and Mixing and Matching Cultures for Christmas. The site also features a discussion forum for members to swap stories and share advice.Omniglot BlogSimon Ager’s Omniglot Blog is a fascinating and entertaining mix of language learning goodies. He includes personal experiences, articles, tips, formal lessons and explanations of idioms. One of the most interesting features is the regular language quiz he offers here. Readers have to guess the mystery language and where it is spoken, after hearing a short audio clip. In the “Favorite Words” section, you can learn about Simons favorite words and phrases. They interest him either because of their sound or meaning. If you’re wondering about the term “omniglot,” it was coined by Simon to describe someone who has a command of all languages.Learning a language is a way to make connections with others. Even a few words can open doors, hearts and minds, and the more you know of a language, the deeper and mo re meaningful those connections can become.   Simon AgerCreate Your World BookHarmonious pairings (such as ice cream and jelly, or the Wimbledon tennis tournament and strawberries) have been joined by a recent arrival media and language learning. Susanna Zarayskys insightful blog has a unique selling point: many of the articles are focused on using music and media such as TV and radio to learn languages. As someone who has studied eleven languages and speaks eight of them, Susanna has a deep pool of knowledge from which to draw. Some of the posts feature her travel experiences and many include music videos and clips from her TV appearances and presentations as well as interviews with fellow polyglots. Among the blog category topics are the benefits of multilingualism, multilingual women and how to learn languages with songs and other media.I Will Teach You a LanguageWhile there arent any super easy shortcuts to attaining real fluency in a foreign language, Olly Richards inspiration al blog posts cover topics and tips designed to get you there quicker. He’ll help you reach your destination ahead of schedule, but nothing will be missed along the way. The polyglot can speak seven languages and his posts touch on principles for learning, personal experiences and salutary lessons. The crisply written articles are well-structured with short, sharp paragraphs, and they make good use of big images. Among the previous blog posts are titles such as The Psychology of Speaking Another Language and 8 Ways to Apply the 80/20 Rule to Language Learning. Many of the articles attract comments and Olly is an active correspondent.In addition to following his blog, you can benefit from Ollys wisdom by using his Language Learning Foundations video course, where he helps you get started learning a new language, and even gives you homework that involves some direct communication with him.Language learning really isnt any more difficult than acquiring any other skill, whether its pl aying the piano or cooking. A small amount of consistent daily practice, over time, plus a willingness to communicate and spend time with native speakers, is most of the battle. Olly RichardsLingholicFun, compelling and incisive are just a few of the adjectives that aptly describe Lingholic. The exceptional blog is your regular fix of language learning treats from polyglot Sam Gendreau. There are priceless tips, valuable lessons, powerful strategies and expert advice that are drawn from his own experiences as well as conversations with other polyglots. Sams writing style is fresh and energetic with a nice lightness of touch. There is a lot of good material here with an archive that goes back to December 2012. Diving into the website will lead to such topics as how to think in a foreign language, memory strategies to supercharge your learning and what actors can teach us about learning a foreign language.Language TsarOne thing about polyglots is that they can easily impress the socks off you with their ability to speak like natives in numerous languages. Conor Clyne’s proficiency in almost ten languages is on display here through videos and articles in several languages including English, Russian, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. He is the self-titled Language Tsar who travels the world writing about his experiences. Not only does he open a nice window on other cultures and destinations, but his illuminating blog also features lots of good, common sense advice as well as the language learning tips he has developed that have served him well.Polyglotally Multilingual Planning DesignThis is a fascinating and highly educational website with four interlinking blogs related to multilingualism and its applications in everyday life. The Planning and Design blog  focuses on how multilingualism works in real life with case studies. It also holds articles on language in pop culture and how laws affect multilingualism. Extreme Language Learning  features stories, tips and gu idance on learning languages, while World Music  has videos and recordings of musical performers from around the world. The fourth blog section is Social Justice,  in which posts examine the languages spoken by people in some of the worlds more troubled regions. The website is not only a fantastic resource for language learners, but also an intriguing perspective on our planet.For me, I study languages to make the world feel welcome. I want to reach over that gap and put people at ease. I believe that with good planning and good design we can make everything more accessible. J SniderLanguage SurferRon is a US-based professional translator who set up Language Surfer to encourage others to enjoy the exciting ride that is learning a foreign language. There are compelling how-tos, incisive book reviews and indispensable motivation tips as well as articles about Rons own experiences with learning languages. In short, there is much here to help any student. The posts have a good, well-ord ered structure with lots of bullet points and subheadings, occasional inclusion of videos and always big, eye-catching pictures.Words Worlds of New YorkWhat a fascinating idea for a blog! In 2009, Ellen Jovin decided to go on a linguistic adventure in her hometown, New York City. Her goal was to learn as much as she could about the languages spoken in and around the Big Apple. Her gripping blog chronicles her Herculean challenge that so far has included 18 different tongues including Russian, Japanese, Polish, French, Dutch, Yiddish, Persian and Hindi. This has provided her with an incredible breadth of knowledge that she draws from to offer advice, tools, strategies and warnings about things to avoid. Also included are reviews of some of the study aids she has used to help her in her quest.Actual FluencyChris Broholm doesn’t make any wild promises that you’ll be fluent in your chosen language in record time, but what he does deliver is a wealth of resources to inspire and help you on your language learning journey. This aspiring polyglot who is currently proficient in three languages details what works and what doesnt for him and uses this as the basis to teach others. Along the way, he talks about the mistakes and problems he has encountered and reviews products and resources. His site also features a regular podcast which highlights inspirational language teachers, articles, resource pages and newsletters. Since he is currently on a mission to learn more languages, he always has insightful things to say that are relevant to fellow learners.PowlyglotIf there’s such a thing on the web as a page-turner then this is it informative pieces that compel you to read on. Martin Boehme created Powlyglot to share what he has learned and continues to learn when studying languages. He speaks English, Spanish and French and has experience with several others including Mandarin Chinese and Japanese. He has distilled some of his knowledge into useful articles that a re clearly, simply and cleanly presented with lots of tips and tactics. There’s advice on how to get the most out of language classes, motivational pointers and fascinating posts about his own personal experiences studying new languages.Smart Language LearnerNoel van Vliet is dedicated to helping you learn your new languages better and faster. As someone who is highly proficient in three languages, he has a lot of great information to offer. Furthermore, hes a powerful advocate for the life-enriching benefits of learning another language. His passion is evident in his writing and the care with which he has put together this highly instructive blog. Smart Language Learner is a real treat that attracts a large audience to its two key features. They are the “Case Study” section where Noel tests language learning methods, techniques and products and details the results. Then there is Ask the Experts where readers are invited to send in their language related questions. The best an d most frequently asked are answered in subsequent posts.FluentYes you can be, with the help of this informative and entertaining blog written by Kerstin Hammes, a native German speaker fluent in several languages. Her posts introduce readers to new ideas, offer motivational tips and review resources and techniques. She takes special care in detailing her own experiences of learning to speak and write in foreign languages. Her engaging writing style is a powerful magnet that draws in the reader. Theres a reason why shes gotten so popular readers really profit from her vast experience and savvy advice.I Kinda Like LanguagesBeyond the blog’s cute title is a rich world of resources for the student of foreign languages. Currently, the site features 23 free online introductory courses to get the beginner up and running with the basics of their chosen language. Among the currently available languages are French, Dutch, Japanese, Afrikaans and Norwegian. Each course features a small han dful of lessons that use such techniques as mnemonics and creative explanations. Additionally, I Kinda Like Language has an active blog with a series of articles that review techniques, tools and books, as well as provide handy language learning tips and plenty of fresh motivation. They also feature personal experiences of getting to grips with a new language.Non-Stop TravellingWhen fascinating articles meet compelling videos you have a fabulous formula for an excellent language blog, and thats what Non-Stop Travelling delivers. Dutch entrepreneur and polyglot Jan van der Aa has traveled to over 75 countries and speaks more than seven languages. He draws out a lot of great information from his travel and learning experiences and packages this knowledge into very readable articles. They are augmented with snaps from his journeys and interviews with some of the people he meets. Videos conducted in foreign languages are subtitled in English and some chart his own attempts at learning a new language.YearlyglotRandy Hunt is eager to learn a new language to fluency level every year. And he wants to bring you along with him for the ride. Strap yourself in and enjoy the trip! You may not want to learn a new language every 12 months, but whatever your language goals, theres a large sack full of advice and tips for you over at Yearlyglot. Randys overarching aim is to become the citizen of the world he always dreamed of being. The articles are easy to follow and. while many are useful to every language learner, some are about a specific language. Randys enthusiasm and vast experience are among the blogs key selling points, but so too are some of the attention-grabbing article titles such as Brute Force Greek and How Can You Learn When All You Do is Study? Clearly, theres a lot of thought at work here.The Everyday Language LearnerLanguage coach Aaron Myers has come up with a pure gem of a blog, dedicated to informing and inspiring any language learner no matter what stage theyre at. His own journey started in 1998 with Spanish while living in Mexico, and continued with Turkish when he moved to Istanbul. By drawing on his own experiences, he is able to offer perceptive posts with heaps of advice, tips and resources. Theres also a wonderful video series of interviews with language experts and language learners and a free 10-week email course designed to help the self-directed language learner.How To LanguagesWith article titles such as How to Think in Your Target Language and Stuff that Didnt Help My Language Learning you know youre in for an exciting and enlightening time with How To Languages. The blog is run by Bill Price who describes himself as a fanatic language learner and this enthusiasm comes across in his lively articles and videos. Throughout the site, there is a plethora of tips and guides that demonstrate how best to learn a language, any language. There are also language myth busters pieces, exercises, success stories and lots of food fo r thought.Nee’s Language BlogTaiwan-based Teddy Nee speaks no fewer than six languages and has turned his large reservoir of knowledge into a wonderful learning resource. Once you log on for the first time, you’ll want to keep coming back for more. Nees site encompasses numerous sections such as videos of polyglots in action and interviews with language learners. In Perspectives, guest bloggers write about their language learning experiences and provide short lessons. “Yearbook” is a very neat way of archiving blogs from previous years. They are compiled into an easy-to-read magazine style format. Another great touch is the regularly updated list (with hyperlinks) of the 5 most interesting and relevant articles that Nee has read. The list can be seen at the top of every page on the site.Knowing more languages lets you explore other parts of the world from different perspectives. Teddy NeeRawLangsPick up some great language learning lessons from a champ! RawLangs is the langu age blog of Alex Rawlings, who in 2012 won a national competition to find the UKs most multilingual student. Whether you are a polyglot or attempting your first additional language, there is much here that will inspire and inform. There are strategies, essential facts, lots of useful tidbits of information and articles about Alexs own experiences, including his use of foreign languages when abroad. Some of the posts feature videos and occasionally there are interviews with other language experts.The Babel TimesPoint your mouse toward the Babel Times and you won’t be disappointed! Read about Emilys thrilling quest to learn all of the official languages of the United Nations (plus German) to native-like fluency. This is something she hopes to achieve by her 35th birthday which will take place in 2019. In blogging about this mammoth quest, she provides lots of language learning guidance and interesting personal experiences and insights. There are also reviews of native content such a s books, movies and music. Posts are filed under two categories â€" “Language Learning” and “Living Abroad.” In the latter, there is lots of information about moving to and residing in a foreign country.Focus on your reasons for learning a language and you will be able to find joy in even the most frustrating moments of language learning. Emily LiedelLindsay Does LanguagesLindsay Does Languages arrived on the internet with a bang in 2014, a colorful, entertaining and informative blog devoted to all things language learning. The site is operated by UK native Lindsay Dow who speaks several languages including French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Italian and Portuguese. There are tips, lessons, reviews of apps and other tools and lots of guidance on how best to learn languages. Just as digestible as the words is the blogs layout. It is very easy on the eye with good use of pictures and graphics. The reader is instantly drawn to her prose style which is informal but thorough, and he r videos are as entertaining as they are instructive.LinguaTrekUS-based entrepreneur, language teacher and learner David Snopek set up LinguaTrek to provide lots of language learning advice and motivation based on his experiences of learning Polish by non-traditional means. Articles are written in English, but theres also a generous smattering of videos in Polish. The three principle blog categories are “Language Learning,” “Personal,” and “Culture” where David writes about Polish and US culture. Although many of the posts are about learning Polish, there is much that is applicable to learning any language with article titles such as How to Overcome your Fear of Speaking and The Importance of Listening. All feature oodles of good, common-sense advice.Loving LanguageRichard Benton loves languages so much that he can speak four of them fluently (Russian, Ukrainian, French and German). Hes proficient in three more and has a basic level in an additional two. Pretty impressiv e stuff! With a PhD in Linguistics and Ancient Hebrew, as well as several years of university level  teaching experience, he has a lot of wisdom and knowledge to impart. He writes engagingly about his own language learning experiences while at the same time providing a few helpful tips. There are also inspiring articles infused with the joy that is gained from speaking a foreign language. If ever you feel frustrated at your progress, or are downhearted at not being able to speak as fluently as you think you should, a detour to Loving Language will rekindle your desire to learn.Fluent ForeverFluent Forever offers an immense collection of language learning riches to happily spoil the student. Classical singer, author and language expert Gabriel Wyner started Fluent Forever to give language students a big step in the right direction on their path to achieve fluency in their target language or languages. His posts are informed by the learning methods he developed when gaining fluency in French, Italian, German, Russian and Hungarian. Gabriel’s writing style is fresh and engaging and his articles cover such topics as hacks for difficult to pronounce words, efficient ways of learning vocabulary and reviews of language learning resources. Theres a lot of good stuff to dive into here as the archive goes back to March 2012.Language GeekSelf-confessed language geek Josh shares his experiences of language learning with an eloquent blog that highlights successes, failures, things to watch out for and reviews of language learning tools. Along the way are a few tips and pointers that are well worth paying attention to. There are no fancy pictures or graphics, just lots of great personal insights and very useful information. Language Geek’s strength relies on Josh’s enthusiasm for languages and his ability to write well and knowingly about getting to grips with a foreign tongue.I wish to be a PolyglotHungarian-born teenage language addict Bálint speaks Hungarian and E nglish. However, he wants to be able to communicate in several languages so he has embarked on an ambitious learning program. His blog is filled with a mixture of articles covering numerous themes including reviews of software and websites. In “My Projects” Bálint writes about some of the things he gets up to in his spare time such as learning the Hungarian Runic script and his first attempt at handwritten Georgian. These are the strongest elements of the blog, where he details clearly what he’s experiencing as he tackles his studies, illustrated with some of the material he is using.Polyglot NerdHave a pen, notebook and some popcorn handy when you visit Polyglot Nerd. This excellent site is run by two language learners, Nathalia and Alejandra. The website features blogs in three languages English, Spanish and Portuguese and a forum for language learners to connect and discuss related topics. There is a small collection of blog posts that offer advice on how to learn a lang uage and lots of reviews and trailers of foreign language films. Watching movies in another language is a good way of immersing yourself in how it is spoken by native speakers. Polyglot Nerd features trailers of Danish, Arabic, Italian and Dutch movies.Street-Smart Language LearningAt the time of writing this article, the most recent blog on Street-Smart Language was in September 2013. Though it may appear inactive at the moment, there is still a fantastic archive of highly informative articles on language learning topics. They cover reviews, tips and personal experiences, all written in a good, conversational style with lots of bullet points and occasional inclusion of videos. Among the attention-grabbing topic titles are How Many Words Do You Need to Know in a Foreign Language? and Stopping the Study Abroad Fail-Train.LearnLangs.comBerlin-based Judith Meyer speaks 12 languages including Latin, English, Indonesian, Mandarin Chinese and her native German. She has created a fascinati ng blog full of magnificent material and useful advice that are filed under two principle categories â€" “Language Advice” and “Personal Posts.” Some of the articles are related to specific languages, such as How to Memorize Chinese Characters while others are applicable to the student of any language such as How to Find Time to Learn Languages. Judith’s posts are well structured and formatted, easy to read and loaded with lots of great points that are succinctly made.The Linguist on LanguageSteve Kaufmann is a former Canadian diplomat and co-founder of LingQ, an online language learning system. Until the age of 17 he could only speak English, but today he can speak 12 languages and shares his passion and enthusiasm for language learning via  the Linguist on Language. He writes about his experiences and offers tools and resources that the language student will find useful. Articles vary greatly in length, from a single short paragraph to lengthier pieces, and many of them feature videos of Richard speaking directly to camera. Most are in English, but a handful of posts and videos are in different languages.One of the most exciting aspects of this blog is the 90-day challenge, a period of incrementally increasing learning. Richard originally developed this to improve his Korean fluency. Although it is now over, readers can delve into the archive to watch videos, read articles and learn lessons from his experience. The challenge was shared with some of his followers who also scaled up their target language learning progress for 90 days. In fact 2,684 people took part and the most popular languages studied were English, French, Spanish, German and Russian.Speaking FluentlyPolyglot Richard Simcott describes himself as a life-long language learner. Publisher HarperCollins describes him as one of the most multilingual people from the United Kingdom. In short, he has a lot of skills and experience to offer the language student, and his captivating and perce ptive blogs draw the reader in with useful learning strategies, tips and plenty of personal experiences. Occasionally, they are interspersed with videos where he either talks directly to the camera or interviews other polyglots, language experts and bloggers. His articles are thorough and cover a lot of ground, with clear explanations that lead the reader gently through the topic thats being addressed.At the time of this articles publication, Richards most recent blog post was published in July 2012. Although, at the moment it no longer seems active, there is so much great material here that is of benefit to see whats already been posted. And One More ThingWhether you want to become a polyglot or simply master one foreign language, youll love using FluentU. FluentU makes it possible to learn languages  from music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks.With FluentU, you learn real languagesâ€"the same way that natives  speak them. FluentU has a wide variety of videos like mo vie trailers, funny commercials and web series, as you can see here:FluentU App Browse Screen.FluentU has interactive captions that let you tap on any word to see an image, definition, audio and useful examples. Now native language content is within reach with interactive transcripts.Didnt catch something? Go back and listen again. Missed a word? Hover your mouse over the subtitles to instantly view definitions.Interactive transcript for Carlos Baute song.You can learn all the vocabulary in any video with FluentUs learn mode. Swipe left or right to see  more examples for the word you’re learning.FluentU Has Quizzes for Every VideoAnd FluentU always keeps track of vocabulary that you’re learning. It uses that vocab to give you a 100% personalized experience by recommending videos and examples.Start using FluentU on the website  with your computer or tablet  or, better yet,  download the FluentU app from  the  iTunes  or  Google Play  store.